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Share a Virtual Tribute to Kyle Martz

Kyle Martz will not be defined by the final moments of his life, he will be defined by all of the many lives that he touched and impacted. How did Kyle show up in your life? How will you remember and honor him? How does he remain present in your thoughts, in your heart, and in your work? Let’s build a community around his memory and reclaim the joy that he brought to our lives. 

A tribute is an an act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration. Leave a virtual tribute to our friend and help us know him and all his many dimensions. For anyone that stumbles across this site, they will come to know Kyle in all of his complexity.

Click on the yellow plus sign to leave a tribute or visit

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All the Rare Birds - A Tribute to Kyle Martz

We commissioned a Walla Walla artist and Whitman alum, the very creative and talented Daniel Forbes, to create a visual tribute to Kyle’s memory at Whitman College in Walla Walla that befits his memory.

Please help us make this a reality. Kyle deserves a more visible memorial that sparks joy.

Kyle's Tree

Pay a visit to “Kyle’s tree” behind the Glover Alston Center (GAC) on the Whitman College Campus in Walla Walla, WA. This is a gingko biloba tree that will grace the GAC with its shade for many years to come. Just like Kyle, the GAC creates a safe space for meaningful conversation and interaction and is a place where differences are welcomed. Kyle spent many years supporting student groups at Whitman that used the GAC to create community and initiate change. If you choose to visit Kyle’s tree, bring a rock to leave behind to celebrate the impact that he had on your life and on the campus community. 

Mark the Date

We have three events scheduled for the end of March. 

A virtual birthday gathering for what would have been Kyle’s 40th birthday will be held on March 27 at 4pm PT/5pm MT/6pm CT/7pm ET. Please register here: Link to Register

Two participatory art workshops will be held in Walla Walla to contribute to the “All the Rare Birds” art installation. One will be held on Friday, March 29 from 4-7 on Whitman Campus (Fouts Visual Art Center) and one will be held on Saturday, March 30 from 1-4pm at ArtEscape in Downtown Walla Walla. Please RSVP at

If you want to plan a gathering or workshop where you are, please be in touch by sending a message to memories – at-

Kyle's Scholarship

Contribute directly to the Kyle Martz International Student Scholarship: Although it has been endowed by Whitman, it has not yet reached the financial threshold to actually be endowed. We will include updates about the recipients of this scholarship. Let’s stay connected to our memory of Kyle through the good work done by students in his name. 

Join the Community

Do you want to receive updates about the art installation, gatherings, and other activities we may envision and realize? Do you have ideas of your own? Add yourself to the email list and join the community: click here and add your email address.